In the last decade, the sportswear industry has experienced a significant transformation, with several players emerging as market leaders. Nike, Adidas, and Puma are three of the most prominent brands in the industry, with a loyal customer base worldwide. In this article, we will analyze the sales revenue of these brands over the past decade, from 2009 to 2022.

Nike Sales and revenue numbers :

has been the leader of the sportswear industry for years, and its sales revenue figures reflect this. In 2009, Nike’s revenue was $19.2 billion, which increased to $44.5 billion in 2021. Over the last decade, Nike has witnessed significant growth in its sales revenue, with an average yearly growth rate of 8.3%. In 2022, the company is projected to reach $50 billion in sales revenue, cementing its position as the leader of the sportswear industry.

Adidas, the German sportswear company, Sales and revenue numbers :

has been another significant player in the industry, with a market share of around 15%. Adidas’ sales revenue in 2009 was $13.8 billion, which increased to $27.2 billion in 2021. The company has experienced a growth rate of 7.4% over the past decade, which is slightly lower than Nike’s growth rate. In 2022, Adidas is projected to achieve sales revenue of $30 billion, which is still behind Nike’s revenue.

Puma, the third-largest sportswear brand, Sales and revenue numbers:

has been facing challenges in catching up with Nike and Adidas in terms of revenue growth. Puma’s sales revenue in 2009 was $3.8 billion, which increased to $5.2 billion in 2021. Over the past decade, Puma has experienced a growth rate of 2.7%, which is significantly lower than Nike and Adidas. In 2022, Puma is projected to achieve sales revenue of $6 billion, which is still behind its competitors.

Nike vs Adidas vs Puma Sales revenue in table format :

Financial yearNikeadidas GroupPuma
In Billion Euro

While Nike, Adidas, and Puma are all sportswear brands, they have different strategies and target audiences. Nike focuses on innovation and brand loyalty, while Adidas focuses on product design and collaborations with high-profile athletes. Puma has been rebranding itself as a lifestyle brand, focusing on fashion and design. These strategies have reflected in their sales revenue figures over the past decade.


Overall, Nike has maintained its position as the leader of the sportswear industry, with a significant gap between its revenue and that of Adidas and Puma. Adidas has witnessed significant growth over the past decade, but it still falls behind Nike in terms of revenue. Puma has been facing challenges in keeping up with its competitors, but it has been working on rebranding itself as a lifestyle brand. The sales revenue figures of these brands reflect their strategies and target audiences, and it will be interesting to see how they perform in the future.

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