GDP difference between BRICS countries and G7 countries


After WAR in Ukraine , World is Divided in a way. Countries in BRICS are closed to russia due to their economic ties. G7 Countries are more anti Russia now. GDP growth percentage is expected to be higher with BRICS compare to G7 countries as two main growth engine of the world India and china are part of BRICS. Here is the GDP difference between BRICS countries and G7 countries

List of Countries in BRICS

  • Brazil
  • Russia
  • India
  • China &
  • South Africa

List of Countries in G7

  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Japan
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy &
  • Canada

In financial year 2021 : GDP of BRICS countries in total was 24,437.61 Billion USD , while GDP of G7 nations was 42,376.00 Billion USD.

Here is the GDP numbers of G7 and BRICS nations compared:

So where you should put your $ on ? On one side BRICS is gonna benefit with China’s Belt and Road Initiative which stretch across Asia and parts of Europe and India’s “made in india” drive which is boosting countries GDP as much as 7.3% in year 2022 !

On other side you have 700$ Billion Package of infrastructure from G7 nation and Strong growth driver which is US.

GDP difference between BRICS countries and G7 countries

Based on expert opinion BRICS might steal the show from G7 nations as Ukraine WAR , Current Energy crisis and current dependency on Asia for their major supply chain.

While BRICS countries mainly remain neutral on Ukraine – Russia war They are still getting cheaper energy from Russia , Their internal relationship helps to ease the pain of supply chain and almost 3.4 times population compare to G7 helps to boost the consumption and growth.

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