Bill ackman (pershing square ) is known for his confidence and bold moves. Bill ackman has 12.3 Billion USD Asset under management. With such a huge amount he only holds single digit stocks under his portfolio. Here is upto date list as of June 23/ 2022.

Here is the Detail data on Bill ackman’s portfolio holdings after taking loss of $400 million on netflix . Which he sold in 2022.

LOW – Lowe’s Cos.20.86Reduce 0.28%10,207,306$202.19$2,063,815,000
CMG – Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.18.971,114,725$1582.03$1,763,528,000
HLT – Hilton Worldwide Holdings16.53Reduce 20.98%9,952,287$151.74$1,510,160,000
HHC – Howard Hughes Corp.14.5813,620,164$103.61$1,411,185,000
QSR – Restaurant Brands International15.41Reduce 0.30%23,864,631$58.39$1,393,456,000
DPZ – Dominos Pizza Inc.9.10Reduce 1.16%2,068,031$407.01$841,709,000
CP – Canadian Pacific Railway2.34Add 4.64%2,944,259$82.54$243,019,000
Bill ackman portfolio holdings

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