The carrier business, enterprise business, and consumer business are the three main business segments that make up Huawei’s operations. Based on revenue, the consumer business, carrier business, and enterprise business are the three major segments. Here is Huawei revenue breakdown by segment , sectors.

Huawei revenue breakdown by segment , sectors from 2010 – 2021

Huawei revenue breakdown 2010 – 2021

Huawei revenue breakdown 2010 – 2021

Huawei revenue highlights 2021 :

Huawei’s consumer business had a significant drop in sales in 2021, although it continued to rank as the company’s second-largest business division in terms of net revenue. Comparing 2021 to 2020, the carrier business of Huawei generated 281,469 million Chinese Yen, a decrease of 302,621 million Chinese Yen. Huawei’s enterprise division saw a modest increase in net revenue in 2021 over the previous year. In 2021, its net sales stayed at 102,440 million Chinese Yen, up from 100,339 million in the previous year. In comparison to 5,592 million Chinese Yen in 2020, Huawei’s net revenue from the other categories stayed at 9,463 million Chinese Yen in 2021.

Huawei revenue highlights H1 – 2022 :

With a net profit margin of 5.0% in the first half of 2022, Huawei made CNY301.6 billion in revenue [1]. Contributions totaled CNY142.7 billion from the Carrier BG, CNY54.7 billion from the Enterprise BG, and CNY101.3 billion from the Device BG.

According to Ken Hu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman, “While our device business was severely hit, our ICT infrastructure business maintained consistent development.” As we move forward, we’ll take advantage of the digitization and decarbonization trends to maintain value creation for our partners and customers and to ensure quality development.

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